Thursday, July 5, 2012

Lychee Creme Brulee

Guide to the Care Package

Do you miss anyone?
Do you want to put a smile on anyone's face?

What could bring more joy than a care-package? :)
As someone who avidly checks the mail with high hopes every day, I like writing and receiving letters and packages more than just about anything else in the world. I have so much fun putting together personalized packages and I try to hand-make as much as possible. Doing so is like going on an extremely affectionate scavenger hunt :)

What goes into the perfect care-package though?
A well thought-out package hits every angle, from the inside jokes to food to practical needs...this is usually what I look for when putting together a package:

- A hand-made craft of some sort, to show your personal investment!

  • As a girl of Chinese descent, I grew up learning how to fold paper cranes, flowers, and stars, so I like to use them as package decorations, and the paper stars work great as cute package peanuts!
  • If knitting is a skill of yours, I extend my greatest jealousies. Something hand-knit would be so precious!
  • When I was in middle school, I loved making earrings. My friend still has these bright pink, blue, and yellow feather earrings I made for her 6 years ago, and just the other day we found a pair almost exactly like them at the mall! (Isn't it nice to have childhood friends who saw you through your awkward days?) Jewelry is easy, affordable, as well as fun to personalize.
  • To all the artists out there, let your fondness for your package-receiver inspire you! 

- FOOD. Who can say no to food?
  • Sweets! Homemade cookies and brownies are easy to preserve and package. Make sure that if you're sending these in the summer or not by priority mail, packing in an ice pack or some dry ice would be advisable.
  • Homemade spreads. I love making homemade nutella and tying the jar with a ribbon :) Again, these are easily spoiled in the summer so be careful! My little jar of nutella made it safe and sound this past June, but you never know what happens to the packages en route!
  • Gift box sweets and chocolates! I love buying the small gift boxes of macarons from bakeries, they are always so beautifully packaged and very space-friendly.
  • Candy! Yum!
- Cozy clothing.
  • Socks are so sweet and cozy; they are also affordable and fit so well into a package!
  • Same above goes to scarves and hats
  • Lingerie ;) who said packages had to be sugary sweet?
- A personal letter. I like to do something fun and unconventional with letter. Sometimes this means simply writing on pretty stationary or decorating it with stickers or glitter. Other times it is more elaborate: my last package to my boyfriend contained a little mini notebook with an A-Z encyclopedia on things that are part of our relationship. Each page was assigned to one letter.

- A trinket of some sort :) Just to be silly or elaborate on an inside joke. I'm packing a little piggy bank that looks like a rice cooker in my next one and filling it with paper stars! :)

Seal your package with a kiss and send it on its way!
What do you consider essential to a care-package?


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